
Posted on August 24, 2020
Psalms 29:11
The Lord gives strength to his people;
the Lord blesses his people with peace.
As the person who does most of the tours at the school, one of the questions I get asked alot is, “What is different about your school?” This question comes in many forms. What programs do you have compared to public school? What sports programs do you offer? What curriculum do you cover? Now all these questions are valid, and I always give specific answers to them, but they don't really point at the heart of why we do what we do.
Christian Education is meant to help assist and support families in preparation of children for a soon coming Savior. In times like these, we will face trials and tribulations. Our families and our children are going to need support from parents, their church community, their school community, and a group of true Christian friends to maintain faith, grow in Jesus, and overcome the obstacles that have been set in front of them.
You see, whether we are willing to see it or not, politics, culture, and media are at war with who we are as Christians. It wants to eat away at our children’s God-given identity, encourage them into sexual immorality, expose them to evil thoughts and deeds, and most poignantly normalize sin. The sinful world wants to force an identity on our children that doesn’t allow them to see their great value and who they are in Jesus.
Now we know that our school isn't perfect. Schools are full of people which means they are full of sinners. Yet, the difference is that every day at Scenic Hills our teachers and staff are attempting to point back to Jesus as the most important source of strength and refuge. When we are together as a community of believers we are blessed because of the support and love we can give to each other, our families and most importantly our children. “The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace” (Psalm 29:11). My prayer for you is that wherever you go, you are truly led to communities of faith that lead your whole family to a deep, meaningful, personal connection with Jesus Christ and that you support those Christian brothers and sisters around you. Selah.